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HomeConsoleHow to delete messages on PS5?

How to delete messages on PS5?

We have all had our fair share of texts that were sent to others by mistake or in the heat of the moment. Messages on consoles are no different. Sometimes messages may contain what was mentioned above or maybe you may want to clear your cluttered chats. Although, you cannot delete individual messages, you can delete entire conversations on the Play Station 5. There is however a catch in this. Here are some of the steps you can follow to Delete Messages on the PS5.

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Deleting Messages on Play Station 5:

This method for deleting messages on the Play Station 5 is not that different from the PS4. There are two ways to view messages, it could be from notifications or game base. These messages are called parties on the Play Station 5.

Here are the steps given below:

Notification method-

  • Press the Play Station button on the Controller that opens the quick menu.
  • Open notifications and navigate to the message if still present. Select the message and press the Square button to Delete.
  • You can also instead, Navigate to the message then select “view party”. Navigate to “More” -> Leave. This will stop all incoming messages from the party.

Game base method –

  • Go to the quick menu and open the Game Base menu. This will list all recent conversations along with your favorites. These messages include both individual and group conversations. Go to view all parties if the message you want to find is not visible in the menu.
  • Scroll to the message or conversation you want and follow the same steps as mentioned in the notification method to leave parties. Leaving the parties will delete the entire conversation, as there are no means to delete individual messages.

The reason why these messages cannot be completely individually be deleted is because these messages are still live on PSN. They are still on PSN so that other people can view them. Leaving accomplishes the same thing: it removes the message group from your list. It is true that if you return to the same messaging group, you will see the same messages, but as previously stated, the messages must live on PSN since many users have access to them. It’s difference with a text message / SMS is that with SMS, your phone keeps the message on its own device storage. So you may remove a message without affecting anyone else. However, until Sony begins configuring messages in such a way that all messages and attachments are saved locally on a console, you’ll likely continue to see messages stored on PSN.


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