Thursday, December 28, 2023
HomeGamingAdopt Me Purple Capricorn Pet Worth (Value) & Rarity

Adopt Me Purple Capricorn Pet Worth (Value) & Rarity

If you want to know the worth and rarity of the recently released Purple Capricorn pet in Adopt Me, you have come to the right place. The Purple Capricorn pet is currently the most in-demand pet in the game and why wouldn’t it be? It is a unique pet and the purple color on it just looks amazing. Anyways, many players are unaware of the worth and rarity of this pet, as it is recently released. So, we have featured this guide to provide all the information regarding the same. Without any further ado, let’s jump right into the details.

Wondering how to get a Purple Capricorn pet in Adopt Me? Well, it is quite easy as this pet is available for direct purchase. Yes, you can get this pet if you buy the Spacehome bundle for a total of 1250 Robux. Also, did you ever think of naming your pets in Adopt Me? If you are interested in more details about naming your beloved purple Capricorn pet in Adopt Me, feel free to visit our detailed guide on the same for all the details. Anyways, coming back to the topic of the day, the Purple Capricorn pet is quite a rare pet and if you ever want to get it through trading, it is important that you know its worth. So, continue reading.


Adopt Me Purple Capricorn Pet Worth (Value) & Rarity

The Purple Capricorn pet is categorized as a Legendary Pet unlike the Space Whale pet which from the ultra-rare category. We all know that the worth of newly released pets only go high as time passes and the same will happen for the Purple Capricorn pet. So, if you want to get your hands on one, now is the perfect time to do so. Currently, the Purple Capricorn pet has more worth than a Chameleon but less than a Snow Snowboard. Here is a list of pets that are equal in value to the Purple Capricorn pet in Adopt Me-

1) Flamingo
2) Mega Neon Toucan
3) Neon Golden Penguin
4) Neon Fallow Deer
5) Neon Ninja Monkey
6) Neon Shark
7) Diamond Albatross
8) Neon Polar Bear
9) Squid
10) Neon Rhino

So, now you have all the information you need regarding the rarity and worth of the Purple Capricorn pet in Adopt Me. So, go out there and make a fair trade for this pet. For more guides like these, don’t forget to stay tuned with us on Vabsaga.


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