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HomeConsoleForza Horizon 5 All 50 Fast Travel Board locations

Forza Horizon 5 All 50 Fast Travel Board locations

To acquire Free Fast travel in Forza Horizon 5, players require to break or smash all Fast travel boards in the map. There are 50 Fast travel sign boards spread out all over the map. A purple icon with a lightning symbol appears on the map to represent these boards. Many of these boards might be hidden in plain sight, while others could be in or around difficult areas.

With the first property you own, you have access to the Fast Travel feature.. This usually costs you about 2 million credits if you are buying your first property at Buenas Vistas. It initially costs you 10,000 credits but every fast travel board you smash will reduce the cost by 200. This will gradually become free after all 50 boards have been destroyed on the map. Because you won’t use it very often, it’s not very expensive. However, once you gain the option to fast travel to any location on the map, you will find yourself utilizing it to go to each and every race.

These are all the 50 locations of the Fast Travel Boards in Forza Horizon 5:

Forza Horizon 5 Fast travel locations
Forza Horizon 5 Fast travel locations

To make it easier to identify, we have segmented the map into four parts. You can choose to cover one segment at a time. These segments only display the number of fast travel boards within each.

  • Segment A: has 11 Boards across some of the Dessert, Volcano and Maquis regions.
  • Segment B: has 10 Boards across some of the Tropical Coastal, Urban, Canyon, Plain and Jungle regions.
  • Segment C: has 13 Boards across the Coastal, Collines Arides, Marias and Maquis regions.
  • Segment D: has 16 Boards across the Plains, Jungle, Tropical Coast and Marias.
Forza 5 Fast travel locations Segmented
Forza 5 Fast travel locations Segmented

It is up to you to decide if you want to cover it from A to D or start from B (Since it has the least number of boards). You can also choose to get to the boards while on missions or dedicate time into going through every single one like in the video below. This video by DJKustoms will help you identify the location of these fast travel boards on site, which cannot be visually seen on the map itself.

This Video by DJKustoms goes through all locations of the Fast Travel Boards on the map:

If you found this video useful, do support the channel and if you want to know more about the process to avail Fast travel for free, click on this link.


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