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RPCS3: How to update games

Updating your beloved PS3 games on the RPCS3 emulator is no easy task. Well, the traditional process of updating games is not followed here. However, there is quite a unique process to this. If you have been playing PS3 games on your RPCS3 emulator, you might have noticed that some of your games have the Update Available message displayed next to their names. So, it is time you learn how to update them on the emulator. Consider reading this article to know all about how to update games on RPCS3.

RPCS3 is one of the most popular PS3 emulators and many players are often seen spending countless hours playing the classic PS3 games on it. With that being said, these PS3 games are often updated with new tweaks to improve performance and whatnot, but many players are unaware of the steps on how to update their games on the emulator. If you have no clue about it as well, then there is no need to worry as this guide features all the details regarding the same. Continue reading.


RPCS3: How to update games

Updating games on RPCS3 can be a complicated process, but if you follow the mentioned steps carefully, you can update your PS3 games easily. So, let’s start.

Via Discord

1) First of all, you will need to download Discord and join the official RPCS3 channel. Simply click here to land on the official discord page of RPCS3 and then click on the Join Server option.

2) Next, launch RPCS3 and right-click on the game you want to update. Now, select the Copy info option at the bottom and then click on Copy Serial. This will copy the Serial number of the game to your clipboard.

3) Once this is done, launch Discord and then head to the RPCS3 channel. Now, find the Bot-Spam chat channel under Off-Topic and type the following code-

!psn check updates *Serial Number* 

You must paste the serial number of the game you just copied to the given code. After this, simply hit Enter and the RPCS3 Bot will bring you the updated PKG file of the game. Now, you need to download the file.

4) After downloading, simply head to the directory where the file is downloaded and drag-drop the file on the RPCS3 emulator. You will get a prompt about the installation, simply select Yes and the update will take place.

Via Rusty-PSN

1) So, for this, you will download the file. You can access the link here. Select the version according to your OS.

2) Next, extract the files and run the .exe file.

3) Now, get the Serial number of your game on the RPCS3 emulator by right-clicking on the game and accessing the Copy Info option.

4) After this, paste the serial number on Rusty-PSN’s GUI search box. However, don’t forget to click on the Search for Updates option.

5) Now, you can download the updated PKG files one by one or all at once, the choice is yours.

6) After the download is completed, head to RPCS3 and click on the File option. Now, select the Install Packages/Raps option and go to the directory where the files are downloaded and select those PKG files. You can also drag and drop those PKG files to update the game.

Do note that updates are incremental in RPCS3, so if you need to update your game from 2.4 to 2.7, you cannot directly skip to 2.7. You will have to update your game to 2.5, 2.6, and then 2.7.

So, now you how to update games on RPCS3. For more such guides, make sure to follow Vabsaga.


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